Life, Liberty and Music

(close up of Bob) This is Bob, Bob is in a band, (zoom out to reveal band members on stage, text of their name next to each one appears when their name is said) with Alice, Charlie, David and Erin. Bob’s band is the The Biloxi Barn Burners (zoom in or cut to bass drum revealing The BBB’s logo)

They work very hard and make great music which they publish to many Internet platforms. (screen shot music submission pages, fake logos of spotify, youtube, bandcamp, etc) They have quite a few listeners and fans, but because of the way the system is set up, they receive very little money for their efforts. (screenshot of earnings showing $25 earnings for the year)

(cut to bob at a btc conference talking with a young blonde girl wearing a pink feather coat) One day Bob was at a Bitcoin conference and learned about a new way for bands to earn money using Bitcoin and something called value for value. (graphic showing wallet, RSS, web host, and mp3 file) He learns that all he needs is a bitcoin lightning wallet, an RSS feed, a web host and an mp3 file.

(Screenshot of He even does some research about the value for value model at

(Bob talking with the gang Alby logo and ⚡️ in speaking baloon) Eager to try this new system out he gets a Bitcoin lightning wallet and encourages Alice, Charlie, Davis, and Erin to do the same.

(screenshot of music side project splits) Then he creates an RSS feed for their first album using a free online tool at and sets up a split on each song to give 20% to each of the 5 band members.

(screenshot of filezilla uploading files) He publishes his RSS feed as well as the mp3 files and artwork for their album on their website

(screenshot of podcast index submission) Then he submitted his RSS feed to

(some sort of animation depicting moving of the rss file to various podcast apps) Through the magic of podping and RSS other music sites such as automatically sees that a new music album has been published and makes it available for anyone to listen to.

(screenshot of fountain search) His album even shows up when searching in his favorite modern podcast app.

(graphic of The BBB’s logo traveling around the globe) The Biloxi Barn Burner’s music is now published to the whole world.

Now all Bob needs to do is educate his fans to use a modern podcast app to listen to The Biloxi Barn Burner’s music. (Screenshots of social Media) He does this by advertising it on the band’s social media, doing interviews, talking with his friends and generally spreading the word however he can.

(Close up of Jane wearing earbuds and holding a phone) Jane is a lover of music. She discovers The Biloxi Barn Burners while listening to random songs on She really is digging their song “I got The Not Your Keys, Not Your Bitcoin, Rug Pull Blues” and decides to send them some support.

(screen shot of boost screen) She taps on the boost button and boosts 10,000 in satoshis towards the song.

Now something almost magical happens. (Animation of satoshis flowing from Jane’s phone through the lightning network across the globe and landing in each band members lightning wallet) Jane’s podcast app, Lnbeats reads the Biloxi Barn Burners RSS feed and notices that when someone boosts this song the amount is to be divided up. 20% to Alice, 20% to Bob, 20% to Charlie, 20% to David, and 20% to Erin. Lnbeats then instructs Jane’s bitcoin wallet to send 5 separate payments of 2000 satoshis to each of the band members.

Jane has just paid from her own bitcoin wallet to each member of the band directly. No middlemen involved, no royalty companies, no record contracts. Just direct value for value transfer from listener to musician.

At this point the future is uncertain as to how much the The Biloxi Barn Burners will earn but one thing for certain is that they are getting a much larger percentage of their earnings than they could get anywhere else in the industry.

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