Sir Libre’s Value for Value Creations

I made this site using Hugo and I really don’t know what I’m doing yet so the site may be a bit wonky until I figure it out. In true v4v fashion I’m running with scissors!

Hello all. My name is Kolomona Myer AKA Sir Libre.

This site is intended to be a hub for my Value 4 Value (v4v) projects.

You can learn more about v4v at

Lightning Thrashes

Possibly the world’s first Value for Value Metal Music Show

Other sites that I own

  • LibreLeaf - Mainly about my MO property.
  • Libresults - A crazy story about my journey after my divorce.
  • - Not really a site that I maintain anymore 🙁
  • OpenTutorial - Yet another site I no longer do anything with.
Lightning Thrashes Episode 2

Lightning Thrashes Episode 2

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Lightning Thrashes - Episode 2

A value for value (v4v) enabled heavy metal music show. With your host Kolomona AKA Sir Libre.

This show uses the new revolutionary podcasting 2.0 value time split technology (wallet switching.) Your streaming satoshis and boostagrams automatically get routed directly to the artist currently playing with a small split going to the Lightning Thrashes show.

How You and Your Band Can Get Paid From Streaming Bitcoin Boosts and Boostagrams

How You and Your Band Can Get Paid From Streaming Bitcoin Boosts and Boostagrams

How you and your band can get paid from streaming bitcoin, boosts and boostagrams

Using modern podcasting technology and bitcoin on the lightning network there is now a way for musicians get paid in real time for their art.

TLDR: The Easiest Way

Monetizing Your Music

All this stuff can seem overwhelming at first but it only needs to be done once and if you take it one step at a time you’ll get through it with minimal trauma.

Lightning Thrashes Episode 1

Lightning Thrashes Episode 1


Subscribe Using a Modern Podcast App

This is the first episode of Lightning Thrashes

A value for value (v4v) enabled heavy metal music show. With your host Kolomona AKA Sir Libre.

This show uses the new revolutionary podcasting 2.0 value time split technology (wallet switching.) Your streaming satoshis and boostagrams automatically get routed directly to the artist currently playing with a small split going to the Lightning Thrashes show.